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December 5, 2014

Ice Buoy Garners BCIP Pre-Qualification Award

A new Ice Resistant Navigation Buoy (ice buoy) to be developed.

In the Fall of 2014, Go Deep submitted an entry to the Build In Canada Innovation Program (BCIP) under Call 005 Request for Proposals.

Today we received news that our company had been selected from a significant number of entrants for a Pre-Qualification Award for our four-season ice resistant navigation buoy. Go Deep was successful with a score of 162 points from an available 190 points.

Waterways in Canada and the northern United States experience significant ice conditions during the winter months. The removal of seasonal navigation buoys or the need to install a steel spar buoy is required for the winter season.

The design shape of the new Go Deep ice buoy combined with multiple offset mooring points and adjustable ballast provide a variety of mooring configurations. This achieves great stability and reduces the list angle in current across a range of water depths. The buoy can be deployed for year-round use in areas with ice conditions that would destroy rotationally molded navigation buoys.

The new Go Deep four-season ice resistant navigation buoy is capable of replacing the two buoy seasonal systems where a navigation season buoy is required due to high current and a winter spar buoy is required to survive the ice conditions. Coast Guards, ports and harbors, industrial marine facilities and materials handling terminals that maintain channels in waters subject to winter ice conditions will benefit from this durable year-round navigation buoy that does not need to be removed and deployed each season.

We are proud to have received this award and look forward to the contract stage of the program.

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