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Save Ontario Shipwrecks (SOS) is an organization that is dedicated to protecting, preserving and promoting Ontario’s underwater cultural heritage. Not limited to simply shipwrecks, the organization also protects and preserves heritage sites such as submerged towns, cities and first nations’ aboriginal settlements. Raimund Krob, SOS’s provincial mooring program coordinator said, “It’s pretty cool. It’s the […]

Go Deep Aids to Navigation information buoys are an important part of the navigation landscape. From control buoys warning of a no-wake zone to a hazard buoy advising of a shoal or other danger, we explain the use for each information buoy and why it’s important to you. Control Buoy – White in color – […]

From Cape Cod, MA – The 6th International Oyster Symposium (IOS6), the world’s singular conference devoted to oyster science, industry, and culture, will occur on Cape Cod Massachusetts, USA this fall. Past conferences have been held in Japan, Taiwan, China, Tasmania, and Vietnam. This will be its premiere in North America. Why the spotlight […]

Go Deep mussel sock is widely used in Canada for farmed mussels. This innovation is picking up steam around the world as growers learn of the benefits of our cotton bisected split film polyethylene and interwoven monofilament material. In this video, Gary Rogers of E&G Rogers Mussel Farms talks about his farming operation and how […]

Go Deep International Inc. is pleased to announce the receipt of an important contract with the Federal Government of Canada. In the Fall of 2014, Go Deep submitted an entry into the Build In Canada Innovation Program (BCIP) under Call 005 Request for Proposals. On December 5, 2014 we received news that the company had […]

The PEI Aquaculture Alliance held its annual golf tournament at the Glen Afton Golf Course this past Friday. Shellfish and fin fish farmers from around the island, as well as their supporters and business partners, took time to unwind and play 18 holes of the province’s most popular sport. The Prince Edward Island Aquaculture Alliance […]

Whether you are a veteran mariner navigating a large vessel or a novice mariner navigating a sail boat, one area of expertise that you must share is in the knowledge of marine aids to navigation. Buoys, marine lanterns, daymarks and other land based structures are all part of a larger integrated network of AtoN, designed […]

In 2013, Prince Edward Island produced nearly 80% of the total number of mussels harvested in Canada. This translated to a value of $49.5 million from approximately 130 mussel growers working leases totaling 4500 hectares (Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada). These numbers make PEI an attractive place for foreign growers, farming mussels, to learn new […]

A new Ice Resistant Navigation Buoy (ice buoy) to be developed. In the Fall of 2014, Go Deep submitted an entry to the Build In Canada Innovation Program (BCIP) under Call 005 Request for Proposals. Today we received news that our company had been selected from a significant number of entrants for a Pre-Qualification Award […]