Structure Design Assistance

AtoN Services

In the realm of marine navigation, the precision placement of aids such as beacons and lights is paramount. At Tidal Marine, we specialize in designing and constructing strong support structures for fixed aids to navigation, ensuring they perform exactly as mariners expect.

Comprehensive Design Solutions

Our services include a comprehensive range of design solutions tailored to both small-scale and large-scale marine projects. We offer a portfolio of standard designs perfected by our engineers for smaller beacons, as well as extensive experience in collaborating with engineering teams to develop custom structures suited for significant commercial endeavours.

Core Function of Support Structures

The core function of any support structure in marine navigation is to optimally position visual aids so they perform reliably and as anticipated by the mariner. This requires a platform that not only supports the navigational aid but also withstands the specific environmental conditions of its location.

Solutions for Simple and Complex Applications

For simpler applications, such as short-range solar-powered navigation lanterns or range lights, these can often be mounted directly onto existing structures or supported by a short pole integrated into the structure. More complex aids, like PEL sector lights, necessitate a meticulously engineered structural solution due to their critical role in aiding navigation in challenging environments. A well-crafted support structure ensures the accuracy of these lights, preventing any potential misinformation to mariners.

Integration of Day Boards

Additionally, support structures may need to incorporate day boards, which play a crucial role during daylight hours. These boards enhance visibility and reduce the need for more powerful nighttime lights, but they also alter the wind load on the structure, which must be carefully considered in the design phase.

Security Considerations

Security is also a paramount concern in the design of these structures. Depending on the location and risk factors, our designs can range from highly secure, enclosed structures with integrated security systems for remote areas, to simpler lockable enclosures for less vulnerable locations. Restrictive access to the structure itself is another security measure we can implement.


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